Click on any of the buttons below to donate monetarily via Paypal or to donate items from our wish lists
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Llano Animal Rescue an even better organization than it already is.
Donations are always needed to pay for the ongoing care of the animals we have at our facility while we seek to find a foster home or have them adopted. This includes food, shelter, utilities, cleaning, vaccinations and spay or neutering. There's quite a bit of on-going costs involved in taking care of these sweet pups​. You can give a monetary donation directly to us at the Paypal button above. You can also donate items to us from our Amazon, Chewy and Walmart Wish Lists at those buttons above. We are also in the Round Up program, so select us as your Round Up choice.
If you don't want to donate online, you can send a check to us at our mailing address. Please make the check to Llano Animal Rescue and mail to:
Llano Animal Rescue
c/o Linnette Fike, Treasurer
PO Box 5643, Valley Spring TX 76885
We Appreciate You!
We've been very blessed to receive grants and other gifts from the following companies. You are amazing!
Ace Home Improvement - Kingsland
Llano Crawfish Open
Llano Fiddle Fest
Llano Grace Episcopal Church
Llano River Chuckwagon Cook-Off
Mary Phema Moore Foundation
We're also blessed by these individuals and companies that are our kennel & play area sponsors. You are so wonderful!
Cheryll Mabray
Chris Bhamani & David Karrington
Granite Hills Chevy Buick
Hill Country Veterinary Hospital - Mason
Hull IT Services - Paul & Nellie Hull
Llano National Bank
Llano Feed & Supply
Steve's Liquor
Texana Outfitters / Luna Blue